Monday 12 October 2009

Human/Computer Interface Technology - The "Bio-Digital Future" Is This The Future Part 2

Human brain + fused with computer chips = biodigital brain
RFID Chips for "Total Knowledge"
"We can go one stage further, we can put them in the human brain, here are Human Nerve Cells growing onto the surface of an RFID Chip... The human brain does not need to be taught this, they are Genetically Programmed to work with Computers" - keynote presentation by Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon of Siemens

"Bio-Digital Future"

Originally Found here

Radio Tomographic Imaging
Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI) is an emerging technology that locates moving objects in areas surrounded by simple and inexpensive radios. RTI is useful in emergencies, rescue operations, and security breaches, since the objects being tracked need not carry an electronic device. Tracking humans moving through a building, for example, could help firefighters save lives by locating victims quickly.

RTI works by placing many small and inexpensive radios around around an area of interest. Each radio is capable of transmitting and receiving wireless signals, creating a dense network of "links" that pass through the area. Objects that move within the area reflect and/or absorb the wireless signal, preventing some of the power from reaching its destination. An image of where the power is being absorbed can be formed using all the link power loss measurements, thus allowing one to know where objects within the area are located. This research uses theory found in imaging, estimation/detection theory, inverse-problems, regularization, signal processing, communications, electromagnetics, and wireless networking.

Some applications of this technology include:

Track people and vehicles in next-generation security systems
Locate victims in fire and rescue operations
Locate and count people in the rooms of "smart homes"
Measure accurate usage statistics and trending in buildings and stores
Automate control of other devices (HVAC, cameras, spotlights, etc)


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