Friday 11 December 2009

Dr. David Kelly New Inquest Instigated by 6 Senior Doctors

Six senior doctors have begun legal action to force a new inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly, the scientist who died days after being exposed as the source of a controversial BBC story on the Iraq war. Info here

The death of Government scientist David Kelly returned to haunt Labour today as a group of doctors announced that they were mounting a legal challenge to overturn the finding of suicide.

Dr Kelly's body was found six years ago this week in woods close to his Oxfordshire home, shortly after he was exposed as the source of a BBC news report questioning the grounds for war in Iraq.

Unusually, no coroner's inquest was held into his death.

The only official verdict has come from the Hutton Inquiry, commissioned by Tony Blair, which concluded that Dr Kelly, 59, died from loss of blood after cutting his wrist with a blunt gardening knife.

Critics regarded the report as a 'whitewash', and Mr Blair remains acutely sensitive to the accusation that he has 'blood on his hands' over the scientist's death.

"Why I know weapons expert Dr David Kelly was murdered, by the MP who spent a year investigating his death"


from the Daily Mail

Sussex MP and Champion for an inquiry into the Death of the Weapons expert website here

New book exploring the suspicious death of DR. David Kelly by Norman Baker MP availablehere

Dr. David Kelly Blogspot here

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