Saturday 28 August 2010

"No One Man Should Have All That Power" Kanye West & Casual (Hieroglyphics) *Update*

Casual of the group Hieroglyphics has taken an intellectual swipe at Kanye West's new song "Power" in his version "Powder". Listen carefully to what his arguement is, and research the names and terms he referances. Casual is dropping SERIOUS Jewels!!!

Powder by Smash Rockwell

In an era when many "Old School MCs" are finally making exceptionally credible come backs (even Grand Daddy IU, Mellow Man Ace???), it is about time that these "Gods" making "Grown Man Music", are practicing what they preaching, teaching the seeds, Upright, and Conscious, (as opposed to just bangin' on about new Schoolers tight jeans!). Found on The Kool Skool's favourite Hip-Hop Blog "The Pure Hip-Hop Blog", yo Big D.O.!!!

Resurrected, illuminated between the pillars...

Freemasonic Ritual

"God Head"???

"Hope you got that Heru (Horus) chain for the right reasons"- Casual

*Update* More indepth breakdown at The Vigilant Citizen on this page and at Farhankhan on this page

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