Friday 28 January 2011

Das (Dasr/David Samuel) of Rarekind Interviewed By The London Vandal (Part 1)

Das RK & Tizer ID 2009

Das (Dasr/David Samuel) of Rarekind Interviewed By The London Vandal (Part 1)

Keegan from The London Vandal met up with the famous graffiti writer and entrepreneur Das (aka David Samuel) for a chat about his history as a graffiti writer, his business and his views on the London graff scene.

Das (Dasr/David Samuel) of Rarekind Interviewed By The London Vandal (Part 2)

Dasr RK 2009

Das (Dasr/David Samuel) of Rarekind Interviewed By The London Vandal (Part 3)

Das (Dasr/David Samuel) of Rarekind Interviewed By The London Vandal (Part 4)

The Rare Kind Gallery put together a print exhibit by 7 of London's more progressive Graffiti Artists recently info can be found here

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