Sunday 20 February 2011

London Walls Graffiti from London 23 February 2011 - 27 February 2011 (Exhibition)

London Walls
23 February 2011 - 27 February 2011
Institute of Contemporary Arts : Visual Art : London Walls

New graffiti and street art photography from six of London's best - Delete, NoLionsInEngland, Leeone102, HowAboutNo, Buddz909 and Joeppo - photographers documenting the ephemeral graffiti and street art that constantly ebbs and flows across London's streets, rooftops and tracksides. The London Walls brings together thirty photographs which capture the work of London's finest writers, bombers, and street artists.

Support this event, pass it on! These guys are documenting our culture off their own back for the love of the culture!

Full details here

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