Friday 16 September 2011

Jasiri X uses Pete Rock's classic beat, "They Reminisce Over You" to shed light on the case of Troy Davis.

The state of Georgia plans to execute Troy Davis on September 21, 2011. There is still serious doubt as to Troy Davis' guilt, and by putting him to death Georgia runs the risk of killing an innocent man. Please call on the board to save Troy Davis' life.

The fact is, no physical evidence connected Davis to the murder. Seven of the original nine witnesses have recanted, with many saying their testimony was a result of law enforcement pressure. Of the remaining witnesses, one is highly suspect and the other could be the actual culprit in the officer's murder.

I Am Troy Davis (T.R.O.Y.) - Jasiri X
Read The Kool Skool's interview with Jasiri X here

Now, despite these and other facts, the state of Georgia has taken the final steps toward Davis' execution -- and only the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole stands between Davis and the lethal injection chamber.
Take action by going to:

Sign a petition, send a tweet, post on facebook, or organize an event.

Just do something

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