Tuesday 1 May 2012

Remembrance for Chemical Warfare Victims in Tehran "the greatest amount of chemical warfare ever used in history" on civilians & Rumsfeld

"Saddam Husain's illegal use of chemical weapons. The 1st conference of the day of remembrance for all victims of chemical warfare has been held at Tehran's Peace Museum, coinciding with the Persian Gulf Day. Iran's head of the United Nations Information Center, UNIC, read a letter sent by Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, in which he explained his pain for the victims and the families who suffered from the atrocities of chemical weapons usage. Officials noted that the greatest amount of chemical warfare ever used in history was by the Saddam regime against Iran."

Remembrance for Chemical Warfare Victims in Tehran
In the Iraq/Iran War, 5 Iranian Cities were exposed to Chemical & Biological Agents.

The US armed Iraq with bio and chemical weapons during the 1980's.
December 1983 meeting of Saddam and Donald Rumsfeld.

The US, UK & Jordan governments and Chemical firms armed Iraq with Conventional, biological and chemical weapons despite violating international Law, US Congress, with the help of Saudi Arabia & other Arab states!!!!

Salvador Option - Rumsfeld's War Crimes In Iraq
Background to the Salvador Option - the use of torture and deathsquads, pioneered in South Vietnam (Phoenix Program) and after that Central and South America (Operation Condor): 

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