Thursday 10 May 2012

State Sponsored Terrorism By Egyptian Junta Against Pro-Democracy Protesters & $1.3 billion in continued U.S. Military Aid

Protesters & Human rights groups have accused Egyptian troops and prison authorities of sexual assault of Women protesters, and mass rounding up of Protesters (many of them Medical Staff & Journalists). State Sponsored Terrorism By Egyptian Junta and paid Pro-Government Armed Thugs Against Pro-Democracy Protesters. Obama administration has released $1.3 billion in continued U.S. Military Aid despite Cairo's failure to meet pro-democracy goal.

Abbaseya Aftermath and the Military Council's Reign of Terror

"Following the military's brutal crackdown on a sit-in outside the ministry of defense, Egyptians speak of the Military Council's reign of terror. In the aftermath, hundreds of Egyptians were hunted down and detained, including over 20 journalists and medics. Many more were injured and killed as they fled into the pro-government neighborhood. Throughout the week, Egyptians have been protesting the largest round-up of activists since the military junta came to power last year. Hundreds of Egyptians captured during the raid will be arraigned through military tribunals. Since Mubarak's ouster, nearly 12,000 people have been tried and convicted through military courts." -

U.S. approves Egypt military aid despite rights fears 

(Reuters) - "The Obama administration on Friday formally released $1.3 billion in military aid for Egypt despite Cairo's failure to meet pro-democracy goals, saying U.S. national security required continued military assistance.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waived congressional conditions imposed late last year that tied U.S. aid to progress in Egypt's transition to democracy following the ouster of longtime President Hosni Mubarak.
"These decisions reflect America's over-arching goal: to maintain our strategic partnership with an Egypt made stronger and more stable by a successful transition to democracy," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.

Clinton's decision, which has been criticized by some U.S. lawmakers, took note of Egypt's progress since last year's street revolution, including holding parliamentary elections and preparing for a presidential election in May.

But a crackdown on pro-democracy forces - including some U.S. groups - over the last several months infuriated lawmakers in Washington and caused the Obama administration to warn Egypt that its aid might be in peril." - More here

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