Friday 27 July 2012

The Kool Skool Graffiti Flicks Part 1 UPDATE (Other people's Graffins)

We love Graffiti here at The Kool Skool, so we thought we would share our exclusive rare never seen photos of other people's Graffiti, from many eras (mainly 2009 - 2012) and cities. Please support the Graffiti Blogs below! 

 Gentrification - South London

 Street Tags - South London

Panels - Holland

 3 Step Warriors - East London

ID 2012 - East London

London Train Graffiti Runners 2012

 The Idiots Crew - Shucks One - R.I.P. Vizo, Rase, Seus, Mood, Troopa, Eko, Skeam - South London 

Senz from Morocco- South London

 Stop Israel's War Crimes - South London

 Jano - East London

 Mear KTC/VOP - South London

 MSK- Roid HA/MSK, De - Dest - South London

Nychos & Aroe HA/MSK - Vienna Austria

Bio Tats - South London

 Rels - West London 

West London

Jiroe HA - Brighton

Vibes RT - South London

Tizer ID - South London

Wisher ID & Relay ID HA - South London

"CCTV Don't Uniate Here" - South London

For more of our favourite Graffiti Blogs check:

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