Monday 10 September 2012 Interview with Se’ Divine The Master Mind of the Legendary Supreme Team Show/WHBI

The 1st Gods on the Mic! 
5%ers, Just Allah & Se’ Divine The Master Mind of the WHBI Legendary Supreme Team Show
(Back of the "Hey DJ" 12") Interview with Se’ Divine The Master Mind of the Legendary Supreme Team Show/WHBI. The World Famous Supreme Team Show were an early Hip-Hop Radio DJ's, on the WHBI Radio Station, later they joined with Sex Pistol's Manager Malcolm Maclaren to record Buffalo Girls and "Hey DJ". In the interesting interview he talks about his move from Baltimore, Hustling, his radio show on WHBI, Mr.Magic, confusion with them and Fat Cat and The Supreme Team (drug crew from Queens), Recording in the U.K., 5% and more!

For Interview click here:

World's Famous Supreme Team - Planet E
Early Train Graffiti video

World's Famous Supreme Team Show Live 1983 Broadcast WHBI 105.9 FM

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