Friday 4 January 2013 - Restore the visa of banned journalist Leah McGrath Goodman #FreeJersey

"Police discover more bones inside chamber of horrors at Jersey children's home
A sniffer dog went "berserk" when he was led close to the bones, sparking police fears that they could be the remains of another body." -
Read more: - Restore the visa of banned journalist Leah McGrath Goodman #FreeJersey

Petitioning John Vine, UK independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration  John Vine, UK independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration: Restore the visa of banned journalist Leah McGrath Goodman #FreeJersey   

"Leah McGrath Goodman is an American investigative journalist, author and former UK resident who was banned from the UK after launching an investigation into the alleged mass abuse, torture and possible murder of children on the island of Jersey – a British Crown Dependency and one of the world’s leading offshore tax havens.
The largest of the island's scandals made international headlines in 2008 at theJersey orphanage Haut de la Garenne when nearly 200 victims alleged that the government had turned a blind eye to horrific crimes against defenceless children for decades. Evidence taken from the orphanage included the exhumed teeth, blood and bones of children. Then, in short order, our island’s chief of police wasillegally suspended, our health minister was thrown out of his job and evidence of children’s remains were irreversibly compromised as Jersey’s governmentscrambled to shut down the investigation at all costs.
After succeeding in doing so, Jersey’s government, to this day, squanders millions from the public purse to try to silence and discredit its critics and, most appallingly, shield the accused from being brought to justice, a number of who remain in high-ranking positions working closely with the island’s children – free to strike again.

With the help of this international petition, we demand Ms. Goodman’s Tier-1 UK visa be restored so she can complete her urgent investigative work.

Every day that goes by without this problem being fully addressed potentially exposes our children to further abuses."
– Trevor Pitman, Member of Parliament, States of Jersey

"Seeing as this is a numbers game, please urge at least one other person (or many others) to sign this petition... It will make all the difference. So long as the UK bars me from entering the country, its free press is not guaranteed and the safety of its children remains in question. But as long as this group grows, it shows it cannot and will not be silenced.

"With your help, I will see my visa restored in 2013.

"All the best – and happy holidays."


Keiser Report: Speculators Win Again (E204)

Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at bank stocks ablaze and a Grecian vortex. They also discuss speculators responding to falling prices by smashing showrooms in Shanghai and holding Congress hostage in America. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Leah McGrath Goodman about Occupy Wall Street, the Koch Brothers and oil derivatives and the new market in water derivatives.

Read more:
UK Member of Parliament John Hemming tables motion in support of this petition:
The Guardian: Jersey's secrecy culture and interview with Leah McGrath Goodman:
BBC: Interview with Leah McGrath Goodman:

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