Sunday 30 June 2013

Richard Sauder Ph.D. Reasercher/Peace Activist on D.U.M.B.'s & the Secret State (Must See Documentaries!)

Richard Sauder Ph.D. Reasercher/Peace Activist on D.U.M.B.'s & the Secret State (Must See Documentaries!)

The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider.

D.U.M.B. Enterance - Deep Underground Military Base

More info on Richard Sauder Ph.D.

Researcher Richard Sauder discussed the black budget world of super-secret & underground projects, as well as his involvement in the peace movement. He was recently arrested and incarcerated for three months, after he staged a peaceful demonstration at a U.S. Air Force nuclear missile silo in North Dakota, as an act of civil disobedience. "If we want to have a future free of nuclear weapons, and free of the threat of nuclear warfare then we individually need to do something...and I strongly suggest...that that something be creatively non-violent, because it is violence that is dragging us down to mutual ruination," he stated. Sauder cited three religions--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as a kind of "mind control" which historically have been the source of much violence.

There is a widespread construction program of underground and undersea bases with secret facilities, along with extensive tunneling, he reported. These projects are built with sophisticated technology, and "shadow government" and numerous agencies including the military, and corporations are involved, Sauder detailed. The technology that enables the bases may also be associated with dimensional portals and non-human intelligences, and this is one explanation as to why these projects are kept so secret, he noted.

The concept of a secret space program that runs parallel to NASA was first introduced to Sauder via a telepathic message from Robert Monroe (known for his out-of-body travels) in 1981, he revealed. There are bases on Mars and the moon, and possibly exotic technologies like time travel, bending space-time, and near-light speed travel, kept hidden from the public, Sauder contended. Further, he suggested there are astrological, spiritual, and ceremonial aspects to space travel which also remain clandestine. 

Xcon 2004 - Richard Sauder - Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnels

Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files by Richard Sauder, Ph.D.  Foreword by Richard M. Dolan & Underground Bases & Tunnels by Richard Sauder, Ph.D. 
2 of by Richard Sauder, Ph.D.'s excellently researched books looking at Secret Underground Bases and the Military Industrial Complex *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! BY THE KOOL SKOOL*


Some of Richard's favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, human prehistory and remote antiquity, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns. 

Wikipedia -
According to the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, a covert operation (also as CoveOps or covert ops) is "an operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. Covert operations aim to fulfill their mission objectives without any parties knowing who sponsored or carried out the operation. It is normally financed by government revenues but in this age of super-empowered individuals and corporations they could become a common tool of power beyond traditional war and diplomacy.

Under United States law, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must lead covert operations unless the president finds that another agency should do so and properly informs the congress. Normally, the CIA is the US Government agency legally allowed to carry out covert action.[1] The CIA's authority to conduct covert action comes from the National Security Act of 1947.[2] President Ronald Reagan issued Executive Order 12333 titled in 1984. This order defined covert action as "special activities", both political and military, that the US Government could legally deny. The CIA was also designated as the sole authority under the 1991 Intelligence Authorization Act and in Title 50 of the United States Code Section 413(e).[2][3] The CIA must have a "Presidential Finding" issued by the President of the United States in order to conduct these activities under the Hughes-Ryan amendment to the 1991 Intelligence Authorization Act.[1] These findings are then monitored by the oversight committees in both the US Senate and the House of Representatives.[4] As a result of this framework, the CIA "receives more oversight from the Congress than any other agency in the federal government".[5] The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, responsible for Covert Action and "Special Activities". These special activities include covert political influence and paramilitary operations. The division is overseen by the United States Secretary of State

Covert operations and clandestine operations are distinct. The Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, defines "covert operation" as "an operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. The United States Department of Defense definition has been used by the United States and NATO since World War II.

In a covert operation, the identity of the sponsor is concealed, while in a clandestine operation the operation itself is concealed. Put differently, clandestine means "hidden," while covert means "deniable." The term stealth refers both to a broad set of tactics aimed at providing and preserving the element of surprise and reducing enemy resistance and to a set of technologies (stealth technology) to aid in those tactics.

Super Secret Underground Bases & Covert Ops

The Richard Sauder Briefing

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