Wednesday 28 May 2014

Crymein Old School London Legend New Graffiti Pictures

 Crymein Bgirl Djay Character Leake St

Crymein was one of the original London Graffiti Character painters starting out with Drome (R.I.P.) in South London, going on to paint Airbrush T-shirts at the 1st London Hip-Hop Shop "4 Star General" on Carnaby St where his talents were spotted by Public Enemy (he made an Airbrush T-shirt for P.E. front man Chuck D), going on to work for Model company Games Workshop. In the early 2000's he went digital working as in house artist for the seminal Hip-Hop Magazine Undercover, which is where I first met him, as a journalist, and the result was the interview I did with him in  Graphotism issue 35. Currently Crymein is a working Tattooist, and recently he's been painting some of his trademark burner characters around London.

Alien B-Boy (1989?) from here

 Crymein Cover Interview in Graphotism #35 with Shucks One ID
Crymein Airbrush Custom Cap

Prometheus Chick by Crymein (Butt Detail)

Crymein Recent Tattoo

Prometheus Chick by Crymein (Unfinished)

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