Monday 25 October 2010

Blackbook Mathematics with North Holland's SEPT of Def Kids

SEPT -Def Kids On The Block

*The Kool Skool Exclusive*
SEPT of Def Kids Blackbook Mathematics

This is the 3rd Blackbook Mathematics, but the 2nd installment from The Kool Skool's North Holland Family. Sept is a member of The Def Kids, a crew of friends, that specializes in traditional Graffiti walls, with modern techniques and styles. Sept is an tireless promoter of Dutch Graffiti, and facilitates events and Halls Of Fames in his area. While he was busy feeding his pet Cameleon, we snapped his Black Book, hope you were as impressed as we were!!!

Def Kids - Sept, Puse & Dase
Blue Chunk

Sept Blue Chunk Sketch

Blue Chunk Detail

Plasma Burst

Club Tropicana (All Drinks= 0.00 Euros)

Space Is the Place!

Sept, B-art (hk), Amatic (hk). Nozm (sp), and Dase
Zombie wall with the hertkore and Sexy People boys!
Overpelt belgium 2010

Sept Zombie Wall Detail

Def Kids Yo!

Bronze Age

Sept Dase & Puse @ The New Attractions Festival

Oooze Rock


More SEPT graff & The Def Kids @ Flickr

Check out SEPT's blog documenting new and old School Dutch Graffiti here

To see the first Blackbook Mathematics with London Graff Legend MR. MET CBM click here

Blackbook Mathematics Part 2 with North Holland's NOZM of Sexy People click here

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