RARE Afrika Islam 1990 Era U.S. T.V. Interview *Extremely Rare Kool Skool Exclusive*
More obscure stuff from the Kool Skool vaults, Afrika Islam "The Son of Afrika Bambaataa", best known as a Zulu Nation Sound System DJ in the Bronx Park Jams, and as one of the first Hip-Hop radio mix show DJs on his Zulu Beat Show, on 105.9 WHBI in New York. In the late 80's he went to L.A. as a emissary of Afrika Bambaataa and the Universal Zulu Nation to set up a Zulu Chapter there, and was involved in the legendary United Nations Hip-Hop Club in L.A. He is known for co-producing much of Ice-T's early music and member of his Rhyme Syndicate, and is today sill a touring DJ.
For a taste of what this Zulu King is best known for check out his early WHBI tapes here at the amazing old-school-hiphop-tapes.blogspot.com
Remember Bronx River rollin thick
With Kool DJ Red Alert and Chuck Chillout on the mix
When Afrika Islam was rockin the jams
And on the other side of town was a kid named Flash
Patterson and Millbrook projects
Casanova all over, ya couldn't stop it
The Nine Lives Crew, the Cypress Boys
The real Rock Steady takin out these toys
"South Bronx" - Boogie Down Productions
Emanon - Susie - Ice-T Melle Mel Afrika Islam
Africa Islam @ Electrocity Poland
"The Polish Girls???! Zedovra Muthaf**ka!"
Many thanks to Solo One for Footage
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