"Keep The Faith" a brand new graffiti magazine from London, available for pre-order NOW from www.keepthefaithmagazine.com, and hitting the shops in March 2010.

"Keep The Faith is a brand new magazine documenting the hardcore side of London's graffiti scene, a scene shrouded in secrecy, but one which is still very active. We have acquired over 100 trains from some of the most active crews and writers in London during the past 5 years, showing that there is still a thriving undercurrent in our beloved city.

London is one of the toughest cities in Europe for painting right now, with the authorities trying every method possible to shut graffiti down, there is an atmosphere of fear and paranoia that has led to many writers working in secrecy, refusing to release their photos and closing down most channels of communication.
Boasting over 50 full-colour A4 pages, the first issue includes plenty of never-seen-before exclusive photos and the following:
Contributions from some of London’s most active crews including SRW, STD, KC, YRP, GSD, LRS, DFN, ADD, DDS, SFL, MTR, BHB, DWS, LDS and more…
An exclusive retrospective, and photos from the shoebox, given to us by old school tube legend, COMA.
An RIP section dedicated to some of the writers who’ve passed away over the last few years.
Tons of steel from Brits on tour.
Features on: The Newcastle metro, anarchist writer Mira and graffiti photographer/blogger No Comment.
And girls... yes GIRLS!

Ozone R.I.P.
For so many of the capital's crews to contribute to one magazine project during the current climate is very rare, which is why this magazine is so special." - www.keepthefaithmagazine.com
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