Disco Scratch Radio 48 – MC Mell ‘O’ Part 1
In his search the True Perspective of the UK Hip-Hop history, our Brother Waxer has interviewed MC Mell ‘O’, one of the Koolest, Positive and Knowledgable MC's the UK has ever produced.
Disco Scratch Radio on Sensei.FM Here
"The UK has produced some incredible MCs… this small island we call home has had B Boys, Poppers, Lockers, DJs & Writers from a very early era in the development of the UK music scene. The man I spoke with tonight lived through the inception of the UK Hip Hop scene, became actively involved in it RIGHT FROM THE START and continues to represent up til now.
If you don’t know this British rappers heritage, this interview will bring you up to speed… at least in his formative years. The interview is only the first part of this legacy. Mello goes into proper depth with the melting pot of people in Battersea, South London that influenced his career and helped him carve his individual path through the fledgling scene right to present day. Not many MCs can rip up a mic after reppin’ for nearly 30 years! Here’s one that can and do it with depth, professionalism, attitude & knowledge.
I’ll be analysing the interview over the coming week and updating the database to reflect the people, places & subjects covered in this interview. Until then, pour some knowledge into your ear canals, add a couple of spoonfulls of dub, roots, funk & soul into the mix, sprinkle it with rough rhymes, B Boy mentality and fold in staying power, cook for 30 years & you’ll get Mell ‘O’."
Disco Scratch Radio 48 – MC Mell ‘O’ Part 1

More Info, download & more can be found at http://discoscratch.co.uk
Not so long ago MC Mell 'O' did a track with Aroe & The Soundmakers, check out the The Kool Skool interview with them here
