Existence is Resistance & Nana Dankwa
the Occupation"
Direct URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGvP0OREI2E
Existence is Resistance & Nana Dankwa present: "Hip Hop Is Bigger Than The Occupation" - A documentary about a ten day journey of artists traveling through Palestine, teaching and performing Non Violent Resistance through the arts.
The tour included M1 of Dead Prez, Shadia Mansour, Marcel Cartier, Mazzi of Soul Purpose, DJ Vega Benetton, Lowkey, Jody McIntyre and Trinidad, Brandon and Lavie from the South West Youth Collaborative/University of Hip Hop Chicago.
Staying in the heart of Balata Refugee Camp @ the Yafa Cultural Center in Nablus the group witnesses night raids, toured places like Hebron where there are roads for the Arabs and roads for the Jews, they meet families of shaheeds as well as young Palestinians who have been jailed, shot, humiliated, the group visits Bi'lin where they get shot at and tear gassed and experience first hand what it felt like living under occupation.
New York - 6th June 2011
Canada - 12th June 2011
London - TBC
Kenya - TBC
more screenings to be confirmed
For more information email: eir.nyc@gmail.com
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