Code Name "Zorro" is a book by Mark Lane & Dick Gregory recently found in a 2nd hand bookshop. It is mixture of scholoraly and methodical look at the Assassinaion of Martin Luther King Jr. by Mark Lane; and a sensitive and personal discussion of the life and career of the Nobel Prize winning Minister by Dick Gregory.
1968 King Assassination Report Walter Cronkite (CBS News)
The Code Name "Zorro" was first published in 1977 in preperasion of a Congressional Hearing to investigate the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy. It raises several fascinating questions some are:
* Why was Dr.Kings Police protection removed on the day of the assassination? - and by who?
* Why was the same FBI squad which originally assigned to "destroy" King (whom the code-named "Zorro") also directed to investigate his murder?
* What did the ballistics test reveal - or fail to reveal about the alleged murder weapon?
In what strange way has the most reliable witness been prevented forever, from testifying in court?
* To what documented lengths did certain FBI men go to threaten King and suggest that he commit suicide rather than accept the Nobel Peace Prize?
* What of the mysterious "Raoul" who Ray claims masterminded and financed his movements before the murder?
Some of the answers feature in the Book and are discussed in the film lecture below.

Mark Lane with President J.F.K
Mark Lane is a U.S attorney, anti-war/Civil Rights activist opposed segregation as a Freedom Rider, and has founded many investigative organizations representing Native Americans, Vietnam Vetertans and questioning the official findings of the Warren Commission (J.F.K. Assassination investigation) amonst many others. His #1 selling book "Rush To Judgement" was one of the first books to question the findings of the Warren Commission.

Plausible Denial by Mark Lane

Promo shot in the 60's
Dick Gregory is a Comedian, Civil Rights Worker, Author and Political Activist. He was a friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and often performed comedy before Dr. M.L.K. Jr. spoke to crowds around the Southern states. He has been arrested many times in protests, is a raw fruit and vegetable diet advocate, amonst other accolades.
Dick Gregory (1932-Present)
Recorded Speech *Click on link*
Speech at St. John's Baptist Church
Birmingham, Alabama - May 20, 1963

Album of comedy

Dick Gregory's autobiography

One of Dick Gregory's Cookbooks

When Dick Gregory ran for President with Mark Lane, they distributed their own $1 bills as promotional flyers

Protesting and often arrested

Dick Gregory - Human Rights Protester, Comedian and Author

Badge for his running for President in 2008
Here is something you may want to add to your posting on Lane and Gregory.
Not so Kool-Aid.
As I am sure you know, Mark Lane and famous Black Panther lawyer Charles Garry in Jonestown on Nov. 18, 1978 talked their way past the guards and went running into the Guyana jungle while African-American babies and old people were being injected with poison.
He was busy promoting this book on MLK when he was the lawyer helping to engineer mass murder of HUNDREDS of African-Americans and getting paid for it by money stolen from elderly African-Americans.
Anonymous & Alcove One: I have not heard Mark Lane's name mentioned in reference to Jim Jones or Jonestown before, that is very concerning. I have read that Jim Jones had tried to start a similar ministry in Brazil in the 60's but moved back to the U.S. again where he started the People's Temple. If you look at the Benefit Dinner flyer ^ there are many reputable people mentioned as supporters also. Thank you for the info. I will investigate further.
Peace The Kool Skool
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